Hello, Sunshine


It’s been a long, sad, long, melancholy week. The kind of week where my heart literally hurt. I won’t go into details here, since that’s not the point of this blog. But I have never enjoyed a glass of wine on Friday night as much as I did this week.

Outside, it’s been an amazing week in Minnesota. We always joke that 40 degrees in October, you’re piling on the layers and 40 degrees in March, you’ll see people in shorts. It’s so true. There’s something about that magic temperature. And this week it hit 60 degrees. It was magical. Unfortunately, I couldn’t fit a run in until today. And while I am trying to commit to the ‘mill for speed, I knew I had to run outside. There was no way I was going to let this gorgeous weather go unused.

K decided he wanted to join me on my run, so he hopped on his scooter and away we went. Wow. It’s truly amazing the difference between running outside and inside. I know I had become somewhat of a wimp this winter, but having the sunshine slide all over you and hitting that pavement. There’s really nothing to compare. It helped heal my heart and put my spirits on the upswing.

It was the magic moment I needed and I am so glad I got to share it with my buddy.

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