Getting a Dose of Vitamin D

Spring Break 2015 is in action. And due to the many obligations of our scheduled life independent of the school schedule, we decided we couldn’t get in a spontaneous trip that would require us to go anywhere too far. So, our mission, create as much of a vacation experience as possible (but enjoy some of the amenities that come with staying at home, too.)

Today, we drove to Interstate State Park in Taylor Falls.

It was one of those outing where K was excited, but O and D … let’s just say they were cooperative but necessarily pumped to go. But after we got all our necessary errands done in the morning, we were off. The weather was perfect, not too hot, not too cold … but brilliantly sunny. We slathered on the SPF and set off for what we knew would be a 2.5 mile hike. I think it’s true what they say about how Vitamin D just makes you happy. Because for the trek, we were all so very happy and enjoyed each other’s presence. And while the hike definitely had some rough terrain, the boys enjoyed climbing and testing their physical limits. We stopped at a lookout and enjoyed a few snacks we packed and refueled with our water bottles.

There was a good number of people in the park, and everyone was so pleasant (and the diversity of the other hikers was great — helping show the boys that anyone can hike.) As we got back to the car, D said, “This was a really good idea, I’m glad you suggested it.” Because that’s how it goes right. Those that are hesitant are the ones who enjoy it the most.

We didn’t realize exactly how much the hike tired us until we stopped to pick up some early dinner … and getting out of the car … well, it hurt a little. The Chinese place was next to a Fro-Yo shop, so we each made our own sundaes and enjoyed those as our appetizers. Then we hunkered at home for a little rest and relaxation and watching one of our favorite shows The Legend of Korra.

I was hoping to take the boys swimming tonight, but my bones are saying that may need to go on tomorrow’s agenda!

Low-Key Spring Break Staycation

It’s the Saturday of the start of K’s spring break. Like most Saturday’s it started out with an 8 a.m. indoor soccer game. I can definitely tell that K’s agility training is making him more confident on the field … but man he looked like a 12-year-old out there today … not my little baby that is just turning 9 in a little over a week.

Upon returning home, I decided to get in 2.5 miles. It was windy, but the run felt decent. And I had the motivation of my next race being in two weeks sitting in front of me. When I returned home, I asked the boys if they wanted to do yoga with me, they told me they wanted to do Super Stretch. It’s a kids yoga app … and while it’s nothing super amazing … it does make the boys like to do yoga. The app is free, and then of course there are lots of other supplemental things to enhance their practice. It’s cute and a great first step. After I let them get in a good 20 minutes of fun, I did my own yoga. I love Yoga Studio’s yoga for runners sessions — they stretch the areas you really need to work on after a run.

Then … we decided the rest of the day would be super low-key. Nothing too exciting … okay, let’s be real. I’m always up for adventure, but everyone else just wanted to hang out around the house. So we read, played some board games and the boys made a crazy fort out of blankets, pillows and their little table. I got some magazine reading done and a brief nap. Not a wild vacation start by any means … but probably a good key to ease into other fun things the rest of the week.

A Week of Focus

One of the items on my 50 by 50 list is to integrate yoga into my daily life. It’s something I’ve tried to do numerous times, and I usually last a few days. This week, I’ve committed to doing it every day — and was able to fulfill that commitment. Monday – Wednesday, I was able to squeeze it in before work. Thursday and today, I did it after work … and I have felt great. But … I’ve also been sore in some new places, it’s that kind of sore that gives you a feeling of accomplishment, that you are actually doing something to improve your body.

Of course, a week doesn’t mean it’s integrated into my daily life yet … so I’ll hold off on crossing it off on my list and considering it complete.

I also registered for my first 10 miler … another item on my list.

Because of course, now that I’ve registered, I’ll take it more seriously. I’m nervous, but I’ve also registered for a 5k training class for six weeks this spring. I’m hoping that will give me a little external inspiration to spur my inner athlete just a bit more!

Yoga Take Two

I really, really want to make yoga a daily practice. I feel so good and centered when I practice … and my body yearns for the strength and stretching it provides … but getting the time to do it seems to be the biggest obstacle. Or at least it’s the excuse I keep falling on. But that’s why I put integrate yoga practice into my daily life as part of by 50 by 50 list. Because I know that I will only be better if I can make it just a part of what I do and who I am.

Mondays are always a good day. I can get up early and get in at least a 30 minute session. The hard part is Tuesday’s and then the rest of the week falls to the wayside. So, last week I got in a good Rodney Yee session in and felt ready to take on the rest of the week. I don’t really remember why I couldn’t drag myself out of bed early enough the rest of the week … I just couldn’t.

Today, I did a 30 minute session with my Yoga Studio app. I love this app, it provides some pre-baked sessions, but also the option to create your own practice sessions of various lengths. There’s even a Yoga for Runners section which is fantastic. So, we’ll see if this week I can achieve what I couldn’t last week!

I was also able to get in a good 2.75 mile run in after work — outside! It’s the perfect spring weather to run in right now. Just what I mentally need to start to tackle the seriousness of training and aiming to get some PRs this season. I even made myself run up hills today — which is usually my cop-out, but I told myself I didn’t have a good excuse not to. So I did it, and it felt good. I don’t know if I’ll make it a regular thing, though! ha!

I’m also in week 7 of my hip check routine and I have to say, the difference it’s making on my aches and pains is so noticeable that I’ve started to recommend it to others. Anything that makes running easier is a necessity in my book!

Monkeys, Good Food and No Time to Run

This was quite a weekend. K and I had our Destination Imagination regional tournament. Destination Imagination is a great opportunity for kids who like to blend arts and science. They compete in a “main” challenge and an instant challenge. As a hyper-involved parent, I co-managed K’s team. They are very particular with these challenges because the kid’s are supposed to do everything themselves and the “managers” are just there to ensure safety and ask probing questions. We kicked off as a team in mid-December. Our team selected a technical challenge which is focused on having them learn about engineering, but they also have to present their ideas via a performance.

It was a learning experience for everyone. For me, it was learning about being a co-manager with another person and working with a team of six who didn’t always get along. It was very enlightening about how K works with groups (and made me wonder if he acted differently in front of me — and not always in a good way). It was also super educational to go to the tournament and then understand how scoring really works and what you need to do to ensure your team gets the most points possible … huge learning there. In the end, our team did not place in the top 3 to advance to state. I wasn’t expecting them to, but K really thought they would It was a very humbling mommy moment to see your child’s disappoint. But I asked him if he was proud of how the team did, and when he said “yes,” I explained that really that is all that matters. That they tried and did the best they could.

Of course, it was a really long day. We got to the school at 7:30 and didn’t leave until 5. But I enjoyed getting to spend the whole day with oldest son.

I ended the long day with a fantastic dinner at Heyday in Minneapolis with a good pal. The food was so yummy and I ate every bite, because well … the food at the tournament was a bit lacking for GF options so I hadn’t really eaten all day. My first course was a chilled mussels dish with yogurt and pickled dill. It was cool, crisp and refreshing. Definitely a good way to start off a meal. For my main course, I had a duck breast with endive, pumpkin and oats. It was cooked to a medium rare perfection. Really satisfying and full of different textures and flavors. I would’ve licked my plate. With my meal, I had a lovely Austrian rose. I gave it a 5 in my Vivino app!

Dessert was the best way to end the night, I paired a cappuccino with what they called a Sunchoke Sundae, it was frozen yogurt with hazelnuts and a gel made from Pineau des Charentes. Tons of flavor, bright and lush. Really an amazing meal. I hadn’t realized how long it’s been since I dined out like that. I told D when I got home that it made me say he and I need to go out on dates more, because I really love eating good food and conversing with my husband … and I think the last time we did go out on a date like that was sadly two years ago (because if I don’t make the reservation, it won’t happen.)

Alas, with all the busy activity of the weekend, I haven’t gotten a run in … and now we’re supposed to get 3 to 6 inches of snow and it’s cold … so the treadmill’s calling, but I honestly know I won’t answer it until tomorrow.

Hello, Sunshine


It’s been a long, sad, long, melancholy week. The kind of week where my heart literally hurt. I won’t go into details here, since that’s not the point of this blog. But I have never enjoyed a glass of wine on Friday night as much as I did this week.

Outside, it’s been an amazing week in Minnesota. We always joke that 40 degrees in October, you’re piling on the layers and 40 degrees in March, you’ll see people in shorts. It’s so true. There’s something about that magic temperature. And this week it hit 60 degrees. It was magical. Unfortunately, I couldn’t fit a run in until today. And while I am trying to commit to the ‘mill for speed, I knew I had to run outside. There was no way I was going to let this gorgeous weather go unused.

K decided he wanted to join me on my run, so he hopped on his scooter and away we went. Wow. It’s truly amazing the difference between running outside and inside. I know I had become somewhat of a wimp this winter, but having the sunshine slide all over you and hitting that pavement. There’s really nothing to compare. It helped heal my heart and put my spirits on the upswing.

It was the magic moment I needed and I am so glad I got to share it with my buddy.

When the World Thinks You’re Pregnant

Words. They are so very powerful. Words with a picture … even more so. Today on Facebook, I posted a picture of my D and the boys with the following status update:

Brunch with the family before the big gender reveal of our newest family member!

I thought nothing of it … because we were at brunch with my parents, my sisters and my youngest sister’s in-laws. Suddenly I see a number of comment notifications. Then it hits me … before I even read the first one, I know what I’ve done.

Everyone thinks I’m pregnant. I laughed out loud as a read the congratulations and then of course I have to post a correction, that the gender reveal is not for any being inside my womb … but rather, my sister and her baby. Making the comment that my family is very much still a party of four.

But it was definitely worth a good laugh … and hopefully I made at least a few people smile. And of course, it was only fair for me to post the pictures of the reveal in the comments … that I’m going to have another nephew. Lots of boys, guess it makes up for my dad having three girls. Now, it’s a y-chromosome fest at our family gatherings.

I did think it would have been fitting if it had been a girl since it is International Women’s Day, but boys are awesome. They’re busy. They’re rough. They have no modesty and they challenge you to your very core as a mom. It’s awesome and  I wouldn’t trade it for a thing … but we’re still planning on remaining a party of four.

Phase 2 of Hip Check


This is me giving myself a mental pep talk. I’ve been fighting a pretty bad cough and haven’t stuck to my new commitment to recommitting very well. Can I just chalk it up to the cough … I mean breathing is a basic need when running, right?

I also picked up an awesome new running hoodie from Brooks (in the photo). I love how the hood is snug around the face, and it will be perfect for those transitional season runs. Giving it a spin today said it was totally worth the small splurge. It’s super soft, wicks my sweat away and hugs me like a dream. Of course, it’s not all about the clothes, but the clothes help when you feel like you fighting an uphill battle to get your mojo back.

Speaking of other ways of getting my mojo back … I am proud of how well I’ve stuck to the Runner’s World Hip Check routine. Today I entered phase 2 … and it’s all about the glutes for the next four weeks. In addition, I’ve added an ab challenge to my routine for March. Here’s to crunches, leg raises and planks … progressively doing more each day (with rest days thrown in every 4 days, of course.)

On the running front, I’m starting to get serious about scoping the 1/2 for next year. Ideally, I wanted to do it in the fall … but the DisneyRun half in the fall is a late night run (10 p.m.) and while I don’t have issues with running in the dark … not ideal when you want your family cheering you on. So, now it looks like the Princess half may be my best bet … but it’s in February … so, it will change my whole training strategy.

As I always say … time to suck it up, princess!

I’m also contemplating creating a 50 by 50 list. Totally inspired by my friend Katharine who has a 40 by 40 list. She’s made amazing progress on completing the things she has on the list … it’s like a bucket list but with a deadline … how perfect. So, watch for a full list soon. Because, of course, once it’s in writing, you have to do it, don’t you?

Good Television

In addition to being a magazine addict, I’m a TV addict. Let’s be honest, there is not enough time in the world to consume the amount of media that I want to consume.

And there are so many good new shoes that are coming out. The best part … these shows are taking a short serial approach. It’s a short affair – a year’s worth of episodes that has a clear ending in sight. Good entertainment that you don’t have to get so absorbed in that you don’t know when your goodbyes will be said (I’m talking to you Grey’s Anatomy.)

One that has currently taken up space on my DVR:

First, let’s talk about the crazy amazing all-start cast. It’s ridiculous. Now, let’s talk about the approach. While the story continues to propel forward, each episode is told by centering on a different character. Love.

I seriously hope this is the future of TV, cinema-quality storytelling, but in easily digestible snippets that I can watch on my own time. (That, and I’ll continue to take the Netflix release the whole season all at once approach – OITNB – that’s all you!)