Plankin’ It


One indicator that all my strength training is working is my core. I’ve lost a significant amount of belly (I still have plenty left to lose) and I’m getting a much stronger core. This is particularly evident of my ability to cross number 18 off my list. Today, I am happy to say I held a plank for two minutes. I went into the living room and had K turn on a timer for me.

Just when I was about to give up, I asked him how much time I had left … he started a countdown at eight. I was like, “really, am I really that close.” He gave me some cheering and when the timer went off I collapsed. A two-minute plank might not seem like much, but there was a time when a 20-second plank was a feat of strength for me.

So, here’s to the day that I accomplished another item on my list and also took another step toward being the healthiest me that I can be.

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